Serverside Connect to webservice using ssl certificate

Posted by Jorrit on 11-Jun-2018 05:51


In Rollbase private cloud ( we have to connect to a webservice using a certificate.
Normaly in our old system we connect to the services using curl:

curl -s --header "SOAPAction: soap#calculate" --header "Content-Type: text/xml" --data @c:\soaprequest.xml -k --cert 601348.pem:Password https://url... >c:\calculatie.xml

Is there a possibility to do this in rollbase with server side triggers?

Thank you in advance.

Regard Jorrit

Posted by Anoop Premachandran on 02-Jul-2018 05:20

First - You should convert pem file to jks format and import to JVM of the Rollbase SErvers -

Then you can use HTTP Serverside APIs...

All Replies

Posted by Jorrit on 27-Jun-2018 10:08


Is there anyone who can help me with this question?

regards Jorrit

Posted by Anoop Premachandran on 02-Jul-2018 05:20

First - You should convert pem file to jks format and import to JVM of the Rollbase SErvers -

Then you can use HTTP Serverside APIs...

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