ABLUnit and ANT

Posted by Tjerk Coomans on 28-Nov-2014 07:34


I'm trying to let ABLUnit run from Jenkins and an ANT script.

checkout svn works fine

compile works fine

but when the ABLUnit test starts the task keeps running. I see that some stuff is created in the wrkdir.

This is the Jenkins console output. ABLUnit just keeps running and I have to kill the process.

Anyone any ideas?

In progressConsole Output

Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace C:\Work\Jenkins\RedSox
Switching from https://evolve_dev_rs.automate.co.za/svn/RedSox/trunk to https://Evolve_dev_RS.automate.co.za/svn/RedSox/trunk
Switching to https://Evolve_dev_RS.automate.co.za/svn/RedSox/trunk at revision '2014-11-28T15:29:16.748 +0200'
At revision 19
no revision recorded for https://Evolve_dev_RS.automate.co.za/svn/RedSox/trunk in the previous build
[RedSox] $ cmd.exe /C '""C:\Program Files\Apache-ant-1.9.4\bin\ant.bat" -DWORKSPACE_DIR=C:\Work\Jenkins\RedSox Build ABLUnit && exit %%ERRORLEVEL%%"'
Buildfile: C:\Work\Jenkins\RedSox\build.xml

     [echo] src.dir=C:\Work\Jenkins\RedSox
     [echo] build.dir=C:\Work\Jenkins\RedSox\build
     [echo] ANT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Apache-ant-1.9.4
     [echo] DLC=C:\Progress\OpenEdge\114
     [echo] JAVA_HOME=C:\Progress\OpenEdge\114\jdk

[PCTCompile] PCTCompile - Progress Code Compiler
[PCTCompile] 1 file(s) compiled



  [ablunit] Running C:\Work\Jenkins\RedSox\tests\beSampleTest.cls

All Replies

Posted by Riverside Software on 28-Nov-2014 07:54

Which ABLUnit task ?

Posted by Tjerk Coomans on 28-Nov-2014 08:05

Hi Gilles,

Yeas indeed ABLUnitTask

<target name="ABLUnit" depends="taskdef">

<ablunit dlc="C:\Progress\OpenEdge\114" environment="gui"

printsummary="true" haltonerror="yes" haltonfailure="yes" tempdir="C:\Work\Jenkins\tmpDir">

<dbinfo name="C:\OpenEdge\WRK\114\sports2000.db" host="localhost" port="12345" />


<pathelement location="${basedir}/Tests" />


<test name="${basedir}/tests/beSampleTest.cls" todir="${basedir}/Results" outfile="result-beSampleTest-gui" format="xml" />

Posted by Riverside Software on 28-Nov-2014 08:14

So it's the PSC ABLUnit task, I don't know how it works :-)

There's one in PCT : code.google.com/.../ABLUnit

Posted by DivyaTheja on 28-Nov-2014 23:49

Hello Coomans,

I observed this problem when ABLUnit task is not able to find the test (beSampleTest.cls at ${basedir}/tests). There is a message displaying this info in background which needs user intervention. Providing the correct path solved this problem for me.

Hope this helps,


Posted by Tjerk Coomans on 01-Dec-2014 02:07


Thanks all for the input. Stupid me forgot part of the propath and since the test was running on the sources the compile didn't work  and the test keeps hanging.

Would be nice to see the compile failure in the console log :)

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