PASOE CompatibilityHandler not returning correct HTTP Status

Posted by adamy on 31-Dec-2019 14:25

I am running into the same issue as described form the post:

This was almost 2 years ago and in that thread it said there was a hotfix but I am currently running PASOE 12.1 and still getting this issue. 

I have tried the same things as the prior post with a "302" and "302 Redirect" headers but still always get a 200 back. 

Is this still a known issue and some sort of tech support ticket is required to get a hotfix to apply?

Posted by Stefan Drissen on 31-Dec-2019 14:43

The referenced post menions PSC00357125 - which was released in 11.7.3 and 12.0 - see

All Replies

Posted by Stefan Drissen on 31-Dec-2019 14:43

The referenced post menions PSC00357125 - which was released in 11.7.3 and 12.0 - see

Posted by David Cleary on 31-Dec-2019 15:00

The way Peter left it, you can’t do CGI things with PASOE because PASOE does not use CGI. Can you post your code snippet on doing the redirect?

Posted by adamy on 31-Dec-2019 18:55

The following link was the answer:

I've been very disappointed with PAS OE, trying to convert over our legacy webspeed programs has been a nightmare - it's like progress is going backwards with web technologies.

Posted by brianlafertewk on 31-Dec-2019 19:51

The workaround in the thread where I reported the issue still appears to work.  We use code something like this in old WebSpeed logic to handle the redirects:

// If PASOE Agent, generate new style header
IF multi-session-agent() THEN   
  output-http-header("","HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect").
  output-http-header("Status","301" + " Redirect").

output-http-header ("URI",p-loc).

We are no longer using old WebSpeed.  There were a number of things we had to tweak to get our old WebSpeed programs running under PASOE, but they do work.

Happy New Year!

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