ABLPDF library

Posted by David Abdala on 14-Dec-2018 12:29

Hello all,

the ABLPDF library is now available on GitHub (https://github.com/dabdala/ABLPDF).

This library is based on free version of PDFInclude, is object oriented (10.2B onward) which makes it easier to adapt, and extend.

Should be fully compatible with PDFInclude, which means that existing code, using PDFInclude, should run almost unchanged with this library (only pdf_inc.i route needs to be changed).

I'm not experienced with Git, so I may have made some mistakes in creating the repository.

The project is mostly writeen in spanish (sorry for that) but a pdf_inc.p is provided (which makes the library compatible with PDFInclude) where you can look for the correspondence between english and spanish.

You are welcome to try it, brake it, and let me know about it.

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