AppBuilder integration : How to use adeuib/_uibinfo.p to get

Posted by cverbiest on 28-Oct-2014 09:20


Within an XFTR procedure i'm trying to use RUN adeuib/_uibinfo.p to get a list of triggers (entry, leave, value-changed, ...) in a .w file.

I've been going through the documentation but I can't find which parameters I should use.

I tried  the call below to get all procedures & functions

run adeuib/_uibinfo.p (?, ?, "SECTIONS PROCEDURE,FUNCTION return name", output c_info).

but I get an empty list .

Posted by cverbiest on 28-Oct-2014 10:59

Apparently the read event is too soon to get the list of procedure and functions. It does work in the save event.

Unfortunately the UI triggers are not included in the list.

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Posted by cverbiest on 28-Oct-2014 10:59

Apparently the read event is too soon to get the list of procedure and functions. It does work in the save event.

Unfortunately the UI triggers are not included in the list.

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